Sep 21 2022

Workshop on Implementation Research at Clarks Amer, 21st – 23rd September 2022

SD Gupta School of Public Health organized a 3-day Workshop on “Implementation Research” from 21st September – 23rd September at Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur. The workshop was conducted in the form of Implementation clinic. This workshop was knowledge translation activity of STRIPE (Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovation in Polio Eradication) Project funded by Johns Hopkins University. Mentors for the workshop was Dr. S.D.Gupta, Dr. P.R.Sodani, Dr. D.K.Mangal, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Piyusha Majumdar from IIHMR University. Dr. Olakunle Alonge (JHU,USA), Dr. Anna Karlbarcyzk(JHU,USA) also mentored the program and Workshop was attended by participants working in Programs Implementation, most of them are mid-level professionals working in organization like Indian council of Medical Research, National Health system Resource center (NHSRC), MoHFW Govt of India, NHM Govt of Rajasthan, NIPPCCD Academic institutions like Manipal School of Public Health, STRAND life sciences, Development Organizations like UNICEF, JHPIEGO, UNFPA, NGOs like PATH, Khushi baby and Piramal Foundation.
