Abstract of Dissertation

Keyword : Radiology Investigations; In Patient Process; Gap Analysis; Quality of Services

Objective : The objective of this study is to understand the In-patients process flow for radiology investigations, thereby identifying and reducing delays and gaps in radiology investigations.

Background : Radiology has been a distinctive specialty with many technical challenges from inception and now has the key for many diseases and plays an important role in diagnosing, and planning treatment and its outcome. It is important for every organization to maintain proper health care and to fulfill the requirements thereby bridging the gaps to carve its name in healthcare segment, as many of the customers’ attempts to find quality of services.

Methodology : Interventional study was carried out at radiology department of Zydus hospital from 6th Feb to 6th May.

Findings : There was an improvement in the Smooth Process Flow of Patients i.e. from 55.38 % to 78 % in pre and post intervention respectively. The study was focused on the factors influencing delay; there was reduction in every segment of delay, when it comes to the total number of delays it has dropped down from 44.53 % to 22 %.

Recommendations : Various factors contribute to patient delays in Radiology Department. It is a complex work environment to be maintained as all the dimensions jump into the pool (IP, OP, ER & Health Check Up). There was an improvement in the process flow but radiology being an ongoing department and sustaining improvement interventions being one of the biggest challenges. However, a data-driven approach can be used to reduce patient delays and process flow bottlenecks.
