
About Library

The library operates in fully computerized environment. The library catalogue is available online. In addition to lending services, the library provides reference, reprographic services, resource-sharing, information-alert service.

1. Reference Service

The library has a reference section, which provides access to rare and expensive books. These books are meant only for reference in the library itself.

2. User-Awareness Programme

The library takes an active part in the orientation programme for staff and students organized by the university for the benefit of new students and staff. They are taken around the library to familiarize them with various sections of the library.

3. Current Awareness Service

A. Book Alert Service:

This is a monthly listing of the new textbooks, reference books, special collection like WHO publication, World bank publications, Health Ministry publications, Annual reports, Standards, MDP reports, Institute publications, CD-ROM added in the library.

B. Daily News update:

The library also provides daily news update to users through email.

4. DELNET Service

DELNET (Developing Library Network) Services, which is very useful for getting information through resource sharing (print & non-print), Inter Library Loan services (books), Document Delivery Services (articles) on demand etc. For reference you may visit the website

5. Reprographic Service

a. Photocopy

b. Scanning
