In its long journey spanning 40 years, IIHMR has made remarkable contributions in research, training, and academics. The institution promoted quality research in health system policy, strategies, and program management and built the leadership and strategic management capacity of program managers, public health professionals, and policymakers across multiple levels within India and other countries, especially across the Southeast Asia region. 

IIHMR is credited with successfully creating and establishing the new discipline of Health Management in the country. The integration of multidisciplinary concepts and principles of public health, management, demography, economics, leadership, social and behavioral sciences to create a balanced and scientific curriculum was one of the pioneering efforts towards this landmark achievement. The institution produced qualified healthcare managers and professionals to lead and effectively manage hospitals and health systems and transform the healthcare management landscape in the country. On its graduation to the University status in 2014, IIHMR has relentlessly pursued its agenda of creating a critical mass of world-class leaders in health systems.

As one of the foremost research institutions in the health sector, IIHMR University has always recognized its responsibility to contribute towards health systems strengthening highlighted so profoundly on a global scale by the COVID-19 pandemic. The establishment of the School of Public Health at IIHMR university is in line with the University's vision of improving standards of health of people through quality research, education, training, and policy advocacy assign the highest priority to public health practice, promote building future leadership and the larger public good. The announcement of the school was made on October 05 2020, the foundation day of IIHMR.

Programmes Offered

Master of Public Health

Master of Public Health (Implementation Science)

Ph. D.


Currently, the SD Gupta School of Public Health focuses on the near future of 3-5 years with the following key objectives. These would be realigned as per the emerging situation.

  • Prepare future leaders in public health with core public health competencies, policy analysis, and development, practice, developing partnerships, collaboration, and innovations in health care to align with the new and emerging challenges.
  • Achieve excellence in research in public health through promotion, collaboration, partnerships, and conducting high-quality research for informed policy and program strategies
  • Provide technical and managerial support to health systems through health management research and testing interventions to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and impact on health.
  • Develop and design knowledge products and academic programs in public health to achieve excellence in education that is relevant to public health practice and evidence-informed policies and strategies
  • Promote implementation science with a focus on problem-solving, decision making, and implementing alternative approaches and strategies to achieve health program effectiveness and desired health outcomes.
  • Harness new technologies – digital and artificial intelligence effective delivery and monitoring of health care.
  • Develop health workforce and equip them with public health management skills and modern public health


    Currently, the SD Gupta School of Public Health focuses on the near future of 3-5 years with the following key objectives. These would be realigned as per the emerging situation.

    • Prepare future leaders in public health with core public health competencies, policy analysis, and development, practice, developing partnerships, collaboration, and innovations in health care to align with the new and emerging challenges.
    • Achieve excellence in research in public health through promotion, collaboration, partnerships, and conducting high-quality research for informed policy and program strategies
    • Provide technical and managerial support to health systems through health management research and testing interventions to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and impact on health.
    • Develop and design knowledge products and academic programs in public health to achieve excellence in education that is relevant to public health practice and evidence-informed policies and strategies
    • Promote implementation science with a focus on problem-solving, decision making, and implementing alternative approaches and strategies to achieve health program effectiveness and desired health outcomes.
    • Harness new technologies – digital and artificial intelligence effective delivery and monitoring of health care.
    • Develop health workforce and equip them with public health management skills and modern public health

    Thrust Areas

    • 01

      Epidemiology and Public Health Practice

    • 02

      Health Systems and Policy

    • 03

      One Health and Universal Health Coverage

    • 04

      Public Health Intelligence, Monitoring & Evaluation

    • 05

      Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health

    • 06

      Communicable Diseases including Emerging & Reemerging Infections

    • 07

      Implementation Science and Health Systems Research

    • 08

      Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Data Science

    • 09

      Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Management

    • 10

      Innovations in Public health

