Guidelines for Each Section

Each section of PHRAME has its own dimension. We invite public health professionals, clinicians and students of healthcare to contribute in the upcoming issues. You can submit his content in one or more sections of an issue. The broad guidance for various sections is outlined below

1. Perspective
The perspectives section allows authors to discuss issues or aspects related to areas of public health importance. Under this section the author can express a personal viewpoint on broad themes and in a forward looking way. Thoughtful essays can also feature in this section. It is expected that the authors cover a comprehensive explanation of the public health problem or disease and related new update news, research, views, and opinion including a description of the issue, its historical trend, epidemiology, and latest state of knowledge. Based on the research experience the author will convey his opinions and thoughts, enlightening the reader about the topic of the issue. Experts relating to the theme of the issue will be invited to write a perspective in the upcoming issues of PHRAME. However, interested researchers and experts are welcome to submit their contributions under this section. The contributors are requested to adhere to the following while submitting the perspective.

  • Perspective may focus on current advances and future directions on a topic and may include original data as well as personal opinion.
  • The title should be informative, thought-provoking, and inviting and should be no more than 12 words in length.
  • An unstructured abstract underscoring the theme or title in about 75-100 words.
  • Main text body should cover a brief introduction to the topic, recent research, opinion, and conclusion. The text should not be more than 1500 words.
  • The body should comprise of coherent paragraphs. The author should ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next.
  • The conclusion is expected to be brief but not just a recitation of the text in the last paragraph. It will be appreciated if it is a conclusion and not just a summary, that informs the reader of possibilities and ramifications for the future. What are the unanswered questions? Where is the field going?
  • A reference to all significant works that are pertinent to the topic would be appreciated both in the text and in the bibliography. The use of unpublished results or personal correspondence in the manuscript requires written permission letters from the mentioned individuals, and references to unpublished data should be kept to a minimum.
  • Section headings can be used when necessary and should be short and snappy
  • Up to 10 references are allowed. Vancouver referencing style shall be followed, however, due to semi-scientific nature of the magazine the authors are not mandated to cite the references in the essay text.

2. The Scribble Board Work under this section will cover the recent innovative implementation, research, projects and most updated innovations. It also includes discussion regarding patents and research ideas or implemented health projects.

  • Title should not be more than 10 words
  • An unstructured abstract not more than 75 words should accompany the title.
  • Write-up be in an essay form describing the idea and its implementation, highlighting the key strengths, potential for future expansion, perceived challenges etc., Subheadings could be used. Subheading should be concise, not more than 5 words.
  • Main body of essay should not be more than 500 words.
  • Up to 7 references are allowed. Vancouver referencing style shall be followed, however, due to flexible nature of the periodical the authors are not mandated to cite the references in the essay text.

3. Looking Glass
This section will inform the reader about the most recent research and developments relating to the theme of the issue. A compilation of publications from the most prestigious, extremely influential, and high impact journals will be done. There will be four to six published articles included in this section, however the numbers may change depending upon the relevance and importance of the reviewed articles. This section will be complied inhouse by PHRAME team.

4. Queriosity
This section promotes the urge to ask questions and know the answers to common questions related to areas of public health. This stimulates the curiosity amongst readers by providing a platform to raise the queries ranging from the most basic concepts to most advanced areas. A contributor may send their question for a forthcoming issue which will be answered by the experts. One reader could send up to three questions. Out of all the questions received 1-2 questions will be selected. The word limit for each question is 50. The selected questions and their answers will be published both in English and Hindi citing names of the contributors.

5. Log FRAME
Log FRAME is the crossword puzzle which will be commissioned internally by the PHARME team. Usually, the words would be linked to the issue theme. The readers could send their filled responses via email along with their photograph and affiliation details. We'll select and display the names and photos of senders of correct entries, in the subsequent issue.

6. Innerspace Philosophy and science are two sides of a coin amalgamated by creativity and immersive thinking. Innerspace offers an open space to unleash creative writing. Contributors are invited to send poems, essays, or other literary works linking philosophy with medicine and or public health. Entries are acceptable in English or Hindi languages and should be related to the theme of the issue. The poem could be their original work or recommendation of any other writer’s work with proper source and approval. The length of poem could be between 6-20 lines. Preferred language is English or Hindi, nevertheless poem/s in other language could be translated.

7. Public Health Hall of Fame There are many pioneers in any field who are either considered as fathers of that branch/discipline or have made a huge contribution in the field. This section informs the reader about the public health scientist along with their brief academic background, expertise, achievement, and prominent contribution in the field.
Any contributor shall submit his entry or suggest the editorial team about a scientist. If the contributors wish to send his/her entry, the following aspects shall be covered:

  1. Name of scientist
  2. Photograph of scientist (if available)
  3. Academic background of the scientist
  4. Expertise
  5. Prominent work
  6. Recognitions/achievements


  1. The scientist should have worked relevant to the theme of issue.
  2. The entry should not exceed 1 page.
  3. Kindly refer to Public Health Hall of Fame section from the latest issue for more clarity.
  4. The editorial bord reserves the right regarding final decision of including the suggestion or the entry in the magazine.

General Instructions

All entries should be sent in MS word format in Times New Roman font with A4 page size and normal margins. PDF will not be accepted. If any image or graph, please send high resolution in jpeg format in a separate file.
While sending any contribution please share your contact details, affiliation, and address in email as well as in the file attached.
We have strict anti-plagiarism policies, and we promote originality! Any submitted text entry (article, essay, or perspective) should have similarity index less than 10%. Authors are advised to check plagiarism before final submission using any reputed plagiarism check software (such as Turnitin/Urkund/ iThenticate).
Contributors could also go through the past issues of PHRAME for a reference of writing style for each section.

Contacts for Submission

Contributors can email their entries for one or more sections of PHRAME following the above stated guidelines. In case of two contributions by an individual, separate emails stating the section name in subject line clearly followed by contributor’s name. Below mentioned is the template of subject line and the name of attached file. All the contributors name should be duly cited with their affiliation and designations.

For PHRAME (section name), (theme name), (contributor no. 1 full name, Contributor no. 2 name…)

For example:
"For PHRAME Perspective, Mental Health, John Doe"
The selection of entries will be on the basis of merit and relevancy. The editorial team reserves the right to reject or accept any entry. In case of any query, you could reach us:

PHRAME Editorial TeamEmail:

Phone Number: Mobile: (0091) 8890627155 [Call timings : 9.30 AM-5.30 PM IST].

The IIHMR University
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport
Jaipur – 302029, Rajasthan
