Mid-term review of health sector development initiative (HSDI), West Bengal

Agency : DFID (India), New Delhi

Health Sector Development Initiative (HSDI), a five-year reform programme, was launched in August, 2005 in West Bengal by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal with the support from DFID (India). The broad objective of this initiative was to support and operationalize the state's health sector strategy developed in 2003 (HSS, 2004-13). IIHMR was selected through a national bidding process to carry out the mid- term review of HSDI in the state. The overall objective of the Mid-term Review (MTR) was to review the progress undertaken under HSDI/HSS in seven milestone areas (strategic and policy framework, health coverage priorities, organizations and management systems, Health financing, access and demand, private sector and asset & supply management) and suggest measures to strengthen and sustain the reform process on the basis of secondary data including various reports, studies, database, and documents related to HSDI, in-depth consultations with multiple stakeholders at all levels of health care system, and field trips to three districts. The review spelt out the potential strengths and weakness of the initiative and provided the key stakeholders with a set of recommendations to strengthen the process.
