Assessment of sex ratio of 0-6 years children in Alwar, Jaisalmer, Jhunjhunu, Pali and Ganganagar districts of Rajasthan

Agency : Government of Rajasthan, SIHFW

The objectives of the present study were : 1) to assess the sex ratio of 0-6 years age group and compare it with the reported figures in Census 2001; birth registration figures; and data available with the Department of Health and Family Welfare; 2) to explore the reasons for declining/ increasing sex ratio among 0-6 years age group; 3) to enlist organizations registered for a genetic counseling center/ genetic laboratory/genetic clinic/ ultrasound clinic/ imaging center; 4) to assess knowledge of PCPNDT Act; attitude towards use of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for detection and determination of sex; practices prevailing in the community, service providers and other appropriate authorities; 5) to find out the reasons of preference of male child; and 6) to assess impact of adverse sex ratio on socio - cultural conditions of the community. The selection of districts was done purposively on the basis of the difference in increase and decrease in sex ratio during the previous decade.

The study covered various stakeholders like community, medical officers, health workers, district and state level officials to explore the reasons for the decline/increase in sex ratio among 0-6 years children, their knowledge of PCPNDT Act, views on the sex ratio imbalance in the society, responsibility of the misuse of technique, suggestions to removing the individual and social barriers which deny the right of birth to a girl, etc.
