Financial Resource Flows for Population Activities- RF 2013

Agency : UNFPA and NIDI

The Financial Resource Flows project is a joint collaboration of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). The Resource Flows (RF) project monitors progress achieved by donors and developing countries in implementing the financial resource targets agreed upon at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 and the Declaration of Commitment adopted at the United Nations Special Session in 2001. The project collects data and subsequently reports on international population assistance and domestic expenditures for population activities in developing countries. IIHMR was contracted by UNFPA and NIDI in 2005 to undertake the RF activities related to the domestic part of the Project. In every financial year the data is collected through a mailed survey for the previous financial year. The Financial Resources Flows for Population Activities – RF 2013 was completed in 2014.

Data on donor assistance and domestic expenditures for population activities in the sample countries are disseminated by means of different publications. Financial Resource Flows for Population Activities Report (FRFPAR) is the most comprehensive publication of the RF project and is annually published by UNFPA. The project also publishes RF Newsletter, which was initiated as a tool to inform the public about resource tracking for population and AIDS activities in general and the role of the RF project in particular.
