Study of Infrastructure and Implementation Mechanism of RNTCP

Agency : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

The main aim of the study was to assess the infrastructure and implementation mechanism of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. The study was taken up with the following additional objectives:

  • To study the performance of the programme in terms of the achievements of the various quantitative indicators in the states with full contractual staff in comparison with the states with redeployed staff
  • To study the work-time analysis (work allocation and workload) of grassroots workers i.e. ANMs, Anganwadi workers, and laboratory technicians engaged in other public health programmes, e.g. Malaria Control Programme, Leprosy Eradication Programme etc, which would permit their optimal utilisation in RNTCP and minimal hiring of contractual staff, if necessary.

The study covered six states, namely Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The study involved the state and district level organisational structure, work profile and performance. The findings of the study would underline the issues and areas that would need to be strengthened in RNTCP to make the implementation of the programme more effective.
