Building Local Leadership in Reproductive Health (with a special focus on convergence of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Self Help Groups)

Agency : International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

society role in making wider availability, accessibility and affordability of reproductive health services. A team of three persons including a CSO representative from the national reproductive health agency, one senior government official in the reproductive health sector and one academician/ researcher were trained in and exposed to the critical issues of civil society roles and responsibilities, mechanisms on its collaboration with the government on the basis of partnership in creating quality of life for the constituents they serve, and the best management practices that have increased synergy in achieving the highest standard of reproductive health services. The objectives of the project were:

  • To develop a training module for strengthening leadership skills of CSOs (SHG, NGO, and PRI representatives) in Reproductive Health
  • To assess the impact and document the learning systematically and disseminate this information among key stakeholders working on relevant projects/ programmes
