Social Assessment under Health and Nutrition Project, Karnataka Health Systems Development Project

Agency : Karnataka Health Systems Development Project, Karnataka

A social assessment had been undertaken to improve the health outcomes of the population with special focus on the poor, the tribal, SCs/STs and adolescents. The state government had designed a project with the support of and financial grant from the World Bank to strengthen the primary health care and public health services. The project needed to ensure that it addresses the issues of social inclusion - especially of the poor, tribal and adolescents. The proposed social assessment contributed to the project preparation and design.

The major objectives of the study were to develop a strategy and action plan to improve the health outcomes in the poor and disadvantaged including the SCs/STs, tribal population and adolescent population within the poor districts and to develop a participation strategy for key stakeholders, including beneficiaries, civil societies (NGOs, CBOs, voluntary organisations, and profit providers), and the people in providing and formulating health policies and implementing and monitoring health sector reforms and quality and accessibility of health services.
