System Strengthening for evidence-based planning and review through capacity building of the officials on Use of Data

Agency : United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Rajasthan is one of the pioneer states which took an early lead in the facility reporting of HMIS and designing and implementing PCTS (Pregnancy and Child Tracking System). PCTS is an online software used as an effective planning & management tool by Medical, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Rajasthan. The system maintains online data of more than 13000 government health institutions in the state. Besides HMIS and PCTS, there is other information system software, like – 'Asha Soft' to capture beneficiary wise details of services given by ASHA to the community, 'e-Aushadhi' to deals with the stock of various drugs, sutures, and surgical items required by different district drug warehouses, ‘e-Sadhan' for family planning logistics management, etc. A huge amount of information is collected and managed through such information sources, that can be used for program planning, management, and monitoring at different levels. However, the use of information is not optimal and has been a major problem in the health system in Rajasthan. It is felt that currently there is a lack of capacity among supervisors for analysis and appropriate use of data for monitoring progress and for taking corrective actions locally. Because of this limited capacity, data is transmitted without proper understanding or analysis to higher reporting levels. It is realized that there is a need for improving the skills of supervisors at all levels for appropriate use of data, received from lower levels, at their level so that feedback could be provided to them and corrective action can be taken accordingly.  For strengthening the health system in evidence-based decision making at different levels, UNFPA in collaboration with IIHMR University initiated a project to build capacities of the state, district, and block-level health officials and data managers in Rajasthan on use of data.

Objective/s of the Project:

  • To build the capacities of health officials and data managers on the use of data for planning and monitoring
  • To establish a mechanism to promote and sustain evidence-based planning and monitoring

