Baseline Survey for Behaviour Change Communication Campaigns in Uttar Pradesh

Agency : Futures Group, New Delhi

The survey was aimed initially at providing baseline indicators for initiating the Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) campaign in Uttar Pradesh. Later on, these indicators were used for evaluating the impact of Behaviour Change Interventions on the target community. The main objectives of the survey was a) to provide information regarding knowledge, attitude and practices with regard to reproductive health issues like family planning, ante-natal, natal and post natal care and child care from women in the reproductive age group and their spouses; b) to assess the role of mothers-in-law in decision making for contraception use by sons and daughters-in-law, her influence on child preference and her own history of contraceptive use and knowledge on ante-natal care; c) to assess the knowledge, training status and attitude towards clients among community level health providers like ANM, AWW and TBA.

This large-scale survey has covered 370 villages spread across 66 districts of Uttar Pradesh. As a whole, 7,400 households had been selected for interviewing the target respondents like women in the reproductive age group of 15-49 years, their spouses, mothers-in-law of the currently married women present in the household. Among the Community level health providers, a total of 600 ANMs, 600 AWWs and 600 TBAs were being interviewed from the corresponding PHC catchments area of the selected rural PSU.

In order to provide client based and time specific communication interventions, the survey collected information on the types of media exposure, timing of exposure and suggestions for suitable timing for the campaign.
