Impact Assessment of Mukhya Mantri Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana and Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Jaanch Yoojana on Out of pocket expenditure in Rajasthan.

Agency : RSHAA & RMCC Department of Govt. of Rajasthan

The Government of Rajasthan has taken several measures towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC), which include three ambitious schemes: Mukhya Mantri Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana (MMCSBY), Mukhyamantri Nishulk Janch Yojana (MNJY) and Mukhyamantri Nishulk Dava Yojana (MNDY). All these schemes were aimed at improving the availability, accessibility and affordability of health services and reducing out-of-pocket expenditure on health. The study was conducted to assess the impact of these schemes on reducing OPPE.

This study was aimed to assess the impact of Mukhya Mantri Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima Yojana (MMCSBY), Mukhyamantri Nishulk Janch Yojana (MNJY) and Mukhyamantri Nishulk Dava Yojana (MNDY) on reducing the out-of-pocket expenditure in Rajasthan, with the following specific objectives:

  • Study the utilisation pattern of MMCSBY, MNJY and MNDY in the state of Rajasthan.
  • Assess the impact of MM-CSBY, MNJY and MNDY on reducing out-of-pocket expenditure.
  • Analyse the perception of state, district and block-level programme managers engaged in the implementation of MMCSBY, MNJY and MNDY
  • Study the community’s perspective, including awareness, acceptability, benefits and satisfaction from MCSBY, MNJY and MNDY.

This study involved collecting and analysing secondary data from government records on these schemes, collecting and analysing primary data from program managers at the state/ district/ block level to assess the providers' perspectives on implementing these schemes and collecting and analysing primary data from beneficiaries, communities to assess the community's perspectives towards these schemes.
