Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS

Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS
August 23-27, 2021
Resource Person: Academic experts of IIHMR as well as industry experts
Mode: Online


This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the structural equation modelling (SEM) using IBM SPSS AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures). The learners will familiarise themselves with the interface, tools and various practical illustration features of Amos. The learners will be able to use is a powerful structural equation modelling (SEM) software which helps to boost research and theories. The learners will learn diverse statistical techniques such as path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, causal modelling with latent variables and standard multivariate analysis methods, including regression, factor analysis, correlation and analysis of variance. Build attitudinal and behavioural models reflecting complex relationships more accurately than with standard multivariate statistics techniques. IIHMR University, Jaipur announces Management Development Program on ‘Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS’ in online mode from August 23-27, 2021.


Trial version of Amos is to be uploaded before the course begins. The learner must already know how to conduct a multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS or a similar general statistical software package. You should also understand how to interpret the output from a multiple linear regression analysis. Finally, you should understand basic Microsoft Windows navigation operations: opening files and folders, saving your work, recalling previously saved work, etc.

Program Objectives

  • To learn the basics of AMOS
  • To understand logic of SEM and its nomenclature
  • To learn the assumptions for SEM
  • To build and test a model using AMOS graphics.
  • To interpret the AMOS output

Program Outcomes

After the successful completion of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • This program develops a strong conceptual and an analytical understanding of the logic of AMOS and SEM
  • Learners will be able to perform SEM analyses using AMOS
  • This Program develops an appreciation for the types of research questions appropriate to SEM and an overview of the assumptions underlying SEM methods.
  • Learners will be able to fit structural equation models using AMOS to boost their theories and research


  • The program will be delivered through Zoom/Microsoft Teams. The login credentials will be shared a day before the commencement.
  • The program will be delivered in hands-on delivery mode where after the discussion on each topic, the participants will be given sample datasets for further practice.
  • The participants will be provided with ppts, datasets, and related material.
  • The participants are encouraged to bring their own datasets and research problems also for discussion.
  • The e-certificates will be given to the participants at the end of the program.
  • Trainers will be available on WhatsApp, Phone and e-mail for ongoing query resolution

Potential Beneficiaries

  • Faculty members & research scholars of different institutes
  • Executives and managers of different industries
  • Others who are keen to learn data analytics

Program Schedule

Day Content/ Topics
Day 1 AMOS: An overview
  • Accessing of AMOS
  • Pre-requisites
  • Getting help
Day 2 Overview of SEM
  • Basics of SEM
  • SEM and its nomenclature
  • Why SEM?
Day 3 SEM Assumptions
  • A Reasonable Sample Size
  • Continuously and Normally Distributed Endogenous Variables
  • Model Identification (Identified Equations)
  • Complete Data or Appropriate Handling of Incomplete Data
  • Theoretical Basis for Model Specification and Causality
Day 4 Build and test a model using AMOS graphics
  • Illustration of the SEM-Multiple Regression Relationship
  • Drawing a model using AMOS Graphics
  • Reading Data into AMOS
  • Selecting AMOS Analysis Options and Running your Model
Day 5 To interpret the AMOS output
  • Interpreting AMOS Output
  • Evaluating Global Model Fit
  • Tests of Absolute Fit
  • Tests of Relative Fit
  • Modifying the Model to Obtain Superior Goodness of Fit
  • Viewing Path Diagram Output
  • Significance Tests of Individual Parameters

Programme Fee

Indian Participants: Rs. 5900 /- Including 18% GST
Foreign Participants: $89/- Including 18% GST
The fee covers tuition fee, training material and other resources to be provided at the time of MDP.

Group Discounts

Any organization sponsoring four or more participants to the course will receive a discount of 20% on the total fee payable provided that at least four participants attained the course.

Early Bird Discounts:

Applications received on or before July 23, 2021 will be entitled to an early bird discount of 10%.


A certificate of participation on completion of the program will be issued by The IIHMR University, Jaipur.

Contact Us

All the communication regarding trainings should be made with the Training Cell at the following address:

Training Team

The IIHMR University
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport
Jaipur – 302029, Rajasthan

Phone Number: +9179764 45970 ,+91141-3924700
