Independent Monitoring Activities for Bihar School-based Deworming in 2014

Agency : DtWI,NewDelhi

Deworm the World Initiative (DtWI) prides itself in its evidence-based approach to policy implementation and evaluation. The organization conducts independent monitoring of process and coverage evaluation for each round of deworming in every state in which it operates. IIHMR team supported the DtWI in organizing a survey in 33 districts of Bihar as per the terms of reference. To ensure the quality of field work and related activities under the project, the following methods were considered by the IIHMR team on Deworming Day, Mop-Up Day andValidation Day in Bihar:

  • During training/induction of monitors and supervisors on the questionnaire, pre-and post-testswere given as per DtWI guidelines
  • On the Deworming Day and Mop-Up Day, filled questionnaires and schedules were checked by the supervisor on the ground level (school) and sample basis. A few students were re-interviewed by the supervisor to understand the aberration of the responses, if any.
  • During the CoverageValidation days, the monitorswere supported by the supervisors to complete the process in all respects.

The projectwas completed as per theTORand the deliverableswere submitted to DtWI within the time frame.
